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What makes a good writer?

This, in many ways, is a matter of subjectivity. Everyone will have a different opinion on what makes a writer ‘good’. Is a good writer inextricably linked to their writing, for example, or are they in fact separate?

Classic vs modern literature


Classic books are generally defined as those which have been around for a long time and remained relevant. Classic books are usually exceptional literary works penned by successful writers who were masters of their craft. So, is a good writer someone whose literary genius stands the test of time? Well, yes and no. The success of modern writers cannot be measured by time. Their writing can instead be judged on literary merit and/or immediate market success. Unfortunately, good writing does not always mean good sales, however. The quality of a book is often marked by its mass appeal and sales potential.

‘Surely an author has to be good at writing to become a bestseller?’ you might ask. Not necessarily. Authors with budgets, who know how to market successfully, don’t have to rely on good writing. For publishers too, paying to place a book on a bestseller list is a successful sales strategy and doesn't always require the writing to be good.

So, what really makes a good writer?


Books are judged by quality and/or quantity. A writer is judged by market success and, less often, literary merit and the traits that inherently make them a writer.



A good writer is someone who can tell a story. Someone who can grip readers from the very first page and maintain their interest right to the end. A strong plot, thought-provoking themes, an unexpected twist… these are common features of a well told story.

Ultimately, if you can hook readers in with your story, it doesn’t matter if the writing isn’t of the best quality. Enid Blyton and J. K. Rowling are often criticised for their simplistic writing styles. In the eyes of many, they are not ‘good’ writers, but their ability to tell stories that appeal to readers on a mass scale is indisputable.

Quality writing


Those who know how to write – who are familiar with structure and grammar and punctation conventions – place high value on quality writing. How can a writer be classed as ‘good’ without knowing how to write properly?

Classic authors are celebrated for the quality of their writing and there are many modern authors who are revered for the same reasons. Margaret Atwood, Toni Morrison, Ian McEwan… These writers not only tell good stories but are masters of language as well.



A good writer is someone who knows how to edit their own work but is also open to the value of a professional editor. They are willing to accept criticism as constructive and judge wisely which comments to accept and reject.

Some books become bestsellers despite being badly edited. In these cases, success is often down to the storytelling or the marketing or perhaps the shock factor. Take Bridgerton, for example. Any good reader knows that the writing isn’t of the best quality but the setting and the 'steamy' content have successfully captured the attention of millions.


Audience and genre


A good writer is someone who understand the requirements of their genre and knows their audience. This has nothing to do with quality and everything to do with readership. If you know what your readers expect from your genre and know how to appeal to a particular age group, then you’re well on your way to becoming a successful author.


A good reader


Good readers are often (though not always) better writers. Why? Because knowing what makes a book good can help to inform your own writing. Reading widely can teach writers about genre, style, setting, character, and everything else that makes a book shine.

Discipline and attention to detail


Let’s separate writers from their books for a moment. If a writer is not judged on the quality of their work (whether the storytelling elements or the literary talent), then what makes them good? There are many traits that can make someone a good writer. Discipline and attention to detail are two great examples.

Someone who is disciplined and pays attention to detail (sticking to schedules and doing research), is far more likely to produce a work of quality than someone who is not. They might not always sell as well as a sensationalist writer, but they will inherently be a master of their craft.


Drawing conclusions


There is no precise definition of a good writer. For some, its all about success and quantity, for others it is about quality. At the core however, a good writer is someone dedicated to their craft. Someone who truly believes in the power of stories, who cares about transporting their readers, and has a passion for language and homing their craft.


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