On Saturday 1st March I had a fantastic morning running The Power of Imagination workshop in Salisbury. Five lovely women of varying ages attended and we spent our three hours exploring different techniques to unlock the imagination.
Forging a connection between your mind and the blank page is something many people struggle with. It can be difficult to imagine a concept and then recreate it in written form. It was wonderful to see workshop participants throwing themselves into every task and growing in confidence as the workshop progressed.
This is the second time I have run The Power of Imagination workshop. The session offers participants the opportunity to find their inner voice and enter a therapeutic writing space. I’m pleased to share some wonderful feedback from the session below.

“A really interesting + helpful workshop with lots of thoughtful exercises to get the creative juices flowing! It’s helped me realise I am still creative and has given me ideas to work on at home to build on. Thank you!”
“I really enjoyed this workshop. Francesca gave some really helpful tips to inspire writing. She made the group feel connected + confident so we all felt able to share our writing. I’ve come away with some really useful strategies to give writing a try.” Hannah
“Thank you for a really engaging and thought-provoking session. Giving ourselves permission to write freely and without judgement is very freeing and will hopefully inspire me to go on to bigger writing projects.”
“It was useful to do free writing tasks and write without the pressure of an end goal. I’ve found he process of using the senses useful as a starting point too. Thank you.”
“A great opportunity to build confidence through sharing! I have been inspired to take more time for creativity. Thank you.”
Thank you to everyone who attended. I can't wait to run my next workshop in November.