‘Writers write not only out of want, but out of a need to release the stories inside their heads that beg to be written.’

In today’s world, there are more writers and authors than ever before. We live in a time when publishing a book is relatively easy – though the work that goes into writing a manuscript should not be underestimated. While most authors have their own writing methods, certain techniques can be universally implemented.
Sharing experiences means writers can help each other to improve. Writers and authors are never perfect; even the most successful authors continue to learn their craft. Whether eight or eighty, all of us are constantly learning how to improve ourselves and our work. Accepting help and advice from those who have been through similar experiences can help us to develop even further.

The human capacity to communicate through language is a privilege and a gift. Authors can indulge in that privilege, learning to wield language as a magician wields tricks. Through playing with language, authors begin to identify their ‘literary' voice – the bit that makes their work unique.
This ‘voice’ is susceptible to change as we learn and grow. In children, this change takes place more rapidly, but even as adults, it continues to shift and adapt. The human ability to alter the way we think and feel, however old we are, is a gift. The more experiences we have, the stronger our voices can become.
Writers write not only out of want, but also out of a need to release the stories inside their heads that beg to be written. As the inner voice becomes stronger, so does the need to tell stories. Like many of my fellow authors, I live part-time in my imagination. Wherever I am and whoever I’m with, I’m continually mapping out stories in my mind. The voice that cannot be silenced should not be silenced and must be allowed to break free.

Pursuing the writing dream can be tough. When writing is a passion, through and through, giving up isn’t really a part of the picture. The problem is that somewhere deep down, many of us assume that it should be easy. We look at others and think, ‘Well they did it.’ It is important to remember that everyone is on their own journey and has their own challenges.
I achieved my dream of becoming an author, but it didn’t just happen. I worked hard and dealt with numerous rejections before finally signing my first author contract. So, to every aspiring writer out there, don’t give up. There is no shame in rejection, in losing hope, in taking the time to pause and to rest. But I say this: if you are truly a writer, and if you want it enough, keep going and keep believing. Only you can make it happen, and you never know what lies around the corner.