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30 writing prompts for 30 days

Francesca Tyer

Updated: Mar 11, 2021

Can you complete all 30?

These prompts aim to get you writing every day throughout April. Try sticking to the suggested ideas during this month, and then in May, you could create your own prompts to play with.

1. Pick an image you like and write a creative story or descriptive piece about it.

A sea cave (Pexels)

2. Write at least a page about an interesting place you’ve visited.

3. Write a paragraph about an object that’s near you right now.

4. Write a creative paragraph or short story which includes the five senses: sight (visual), sound (auditory), smell (olfactory), taste (gustatory), touch (tactile).

5. Write about a memory. – It can be good or bad.

6. Write a paragraph or short story about an extinct or fantastical animal.

7. Write a paragraph or short story about an imaginary place.

8. Write about a recent dream.

Beyond reality (Unplash)

9. If you could have any power, what would it be? Write a story where a character uses this power.

10. Write about your greatest fear.

11. Write two rhyming lines. – These can be as simple or as complex as you like.

12. Research several limericks and then write your own.

13. Research several Haiku poems and then write your own.

14. Write a story in a sentence. – Try to keep it between 10 and 50 words.

15. Come up with three different themes or titles that could each be applied to a story, poem, or book.

Love forever (Pexels)

16. Write a story in 100 words.

17. Create a character in great detail. – You could write a few paragraphs, draw some images, or create a list.

18. Write a dialogue between this character and another character. – This should fill at least a page.

19. Write a short story about the future, from the future.

20. Write a diary entry.

21. Write about a secret.

22. Take the third book off your shelf, open to the third page, find the third word in the third paragraph in the third line and write about it. If it isn’t a good word, try another number such as the seventh page, seventh word etc., or alternatively, try another book.

Waiting to begin (Pexels)

23. Write a story using consecutive letters of the alphabet to start each sentence.

24. Find a world map, randomly point to a place, and write a story about it.

25. Write a non-fiction article on a topic of your choice.

26. Write a book review.

27. Write the first verse of a poem. – You could use rhymes, free verse, or create a pattern of your own.

28. Choose a favourite poem and write your own, copying the style, rhythm, and rhyme.

29. Write your own poem.

30. Write a short story or novel plot plan including setting, character, and action. You should include a hook, a climax, and a resolution.

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