Stories waiting to be written

Welcome to the Untold Stories Academy!

How it all began
When I set up the Untold Stories Academy in February 2023, my primary goal was to help writers tell their stories. On one level, this involved the provision of editing, mentoring and publishing support, but on another level, it was about teaching my students and clients how to be writers.
There is a difference between writing a book and being a writer. Anyone can write a book and make a success of it. Being a writer is about more than just the book, however. It is about passion and dedication, inspiration and imagination, and an unquenchable thirst for crafting stories.
How I can help you
Accessing creative potential isn’t always easy. For writers, mental blocks often stem from an inability to visualise concepts and transform ideas onto the page. Knowing how to capture the essence of an image or idea and transform it into writing requires practise and knowledge of the right tools.

My story
I was eight years old when I decided I wanted to become an author. In part, my passion for writing was fuelled by my enthusiasm for reading. Like many children, I had discovered the magic of escaping into worlds that were not my own: Hundred Acre Wood, Narnia, Hogwarts, and many other imaginary realms.
The desire be a writer went deeper than my love of reading, however. From a young age, I was gripped by an inexplicable urge to write. The ‘urge’ was not dissimilar to the ‘agony of an untold story’ described by Maya Angelou. It was like I was possessed, constantly distracted by ideas and only truly satisfied when I was writing.
That dream came true when, shortly after graduating from university, my debut novel The Firestone was published. Becoming an author sparked a desire to work with other writers. I started my career as a freelance editor, content writer and tutor before establishing the Untold Stories Academy in 2023.
To learn more about my books, visit
Have a question? Please feel free to send me an email via my Contact page. I love to hear from first-time writers, established authors, schools, parents, publishers, and of course, avid readers.